We testify what we do, and the faith of all and singular who shall inspect the present letters, that we, to a greater degree of the Almighty, the sacred particles escapes from the glory of God and of their own have a holy veneration of St. Anthony recognovimus Pat. 400
which, with the round forms of authentic crystal oleaucata places fortified with extract of metallica reverently placed in the case, it is well wrapped and secured with a line of silk, as is bound, and sealed with the seal of our God, with himself, with the power to them and delivered to the retaining, to pass on and puclicae veneration of the faithful outside the City of exposition. We advise, however, now or in the future, faithful in whose hands these sacred relics to come, is in no way to be allowed to sell them, nor with the appearance of those things which had praeseferant of merchandise, to change them.
You will not be signed by the faith of this letter, and our bearing witness to this by Us, or by the seal of Exc.mo Vicesgerente strengthened by the undersigned Sacred Relics keeper got ordered.
dia our house in Rome from June 4 Year 1951
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