est Chrysalus, seruus audax Nicobuli, homo magno ingenio, astutia summ Tradução - est Chrysalus, seruus audax Nicobuli, homo magno ingenio, astutia summ Inglês como dizer

est Chrysalus, seruus audax Nicobul

est Chrysalus, seruus audax Nicobuli, homo magno ingenio, astutia summa. per (por intermédio de) Chrysalum uult Mnesilochus senem iterum decipere. officiuam difficile habet Chrysalus. neque Chrysalo senex neque filio credit. sed Chrysalus consilium capit aidax. in aedis Pistoclerum, Mnesilochi amicum, mittit. Pistoclerum ceram, tabellas, stillum, linum adferre iubet. Chrysalus, ubi redit amicus, Mnesilochum litteras ad patrem scribere iubet. Ita patri scribit filius probus: ‘Chrysalus malus est, mi pater. hodie enim ad te adibit et in te ballistam intendet magnam. nam te oppidum habet, antiquum et auri plenum. si turrim delebit tuam et propugnacula tua, per portam in oppidum te statim inuadet. tum aurum tuum in corbibus ex oppido me auferre iubebit et meae dare amicae. Te cauere, pater mi, iubeo. sumptus enim magnus erit, si iterum decipiet. uale’.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
is Chrysalus, servant of the bold Nicobuli, a man of great ability, the craft of the Most High. by (por intermediate DE) Chrysalis wants to impose _Mnes._ old again. obstruct difficult to Chrysalus. Chrysalus neither old nor his son believes. But Chrysalus plan aidax. to the possession of Pistoclerus, Mnesilochus a friend, he sendeth forth. Pistoclerus wax tablets, still, to bring flax bids. Chrysalus, where returns friend, Mnesilochus ordered to write a letter to his father. Thus, he writes his father, the son of an honest man: 'Chrysalus is a bad man, my father. you will go to you, and in this day it is the ballista to intensify a great victory. for the town and has a you, a very old, and the gold of the world. If the tower of agates, and thy will destroy thee; and through the gate of the town you are immediately inuadet. and gold in baskets out of town for me to take my order and for friends. You see that, my father, I order this. the cost will be great, for, if once more shall any man deceive. Goodbye '.
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