In Circo maximo venatio populo dabatur. Multae ibi ferae erant, sed pr Tradução - In Circo maximo venatio populo dabatur. Multae ibi ferae erant, sed pr Inglês como dizer

In Circo maximo venatio populo daba

In Circo maximo venatio populo dabatur. Multae ibi ferae erant, sed praeter alias omnes unus leo magnitudine corporis ânimos óculosque omnimum in se converterat.
Inductus erat servus viri consulares inter complures alios ad pugnam ferarum. Ei servo Androclus nomem fuit. Hunc ille leo ubi vidit procul, statim quase admirans stetit ac deinde leniter, quase cognoscens ad homine accedit. Tum caudam more canis movet hominisque manus língua leniter demulcet. Androclus, primum territus, nunc leonem spectat. Tum quase leone cógnito, homo gaudere visus est.
E are tam mira maximi clamores Populi excitati sunt. Caesar Androclum vocavit et quaesivit causam cur illi uni ferocissimus leo pepercisst. Tum Androclus rem mirandam narrat.
Cum provinciae inquit, Africae dominus meus imperaret, ego iniuste verberatus fugere coactus sum. Specum quendam remotum invenio et eum ingredior. Neque multo post ad eundem specum venit hic leo, vulnerato uno pede, gemitus ob dolorem edens. Primo quidem conspectu leonis territus sum.
Sed postquam leo ingressus me vidit, leniter accesit et pedem ostendere mihi quase opis petendae gratia visus est. Ibi ego spinam magnam, pede in manibus meis possito, quidem cepit. Ex eo die três anos ego et leo in eodem specu viximus. Membra ferarum leo mihi ferebat, quae ego, ignis copiam non habens, sole torrebam. Sed tandem specum reliqui et a militibus prehensus ad dominum ex Africa Romam deductus sum. Is me statim ad feras misit. Intellego autem hunc quoque leonem, postea captum, gratiam mihi referre.
Haec dixit Androclus. Omnibus petentibus, dimissus est et leo ei donatus. Postae Androclus et leo, loro ligatus, circum tabernas ibant. Androclus pecuniam accipiebat, leo flores. Omnes dicebant: Hic est leo hospes hominis; hic est homo medicus leonis.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Hunting for the people in the Circus Maximus. There were many wild animals that they, the size of the body of a lion, but in addition to all other eyes and minds are entirely, one 's attention.
Inductus was not a slave of a man of consular rank, among a number of others to fight wild beasts. Androclus was to bless him. As that lion saw him from afar, and then immediately, as if he stood in wonder gently, quase knower is to the man, is added. Then, the tail of a dog to the hands of the man 'his tongue gently. Androclus, be afraid, for the first time, now the lion looks. Then, as if a lion became known, he was seen of a man to rejoice in.
E are raised up among them there are such wondrous shouts of the people of the greatest. Caesar shops called and asked him why he spared one of the most ferocious lion. Then Androclus marvels are told.
When the province, he said, 'My master is of Africa should command me, I am demanding the beaten I was forced to flee. A remote cave and find him going. Not long after came here to the same cave lion, was wounded, with one foot, and mourning on account of the pain of eating. First, the presence of the lion, was affrighted.
But as soon as he saw me he went into a lion, gently accesit ask for help, they began to show that he was seen of me as. There I the thorn: the great one, in my hands, the foot may be able to, indeed, they are rare. Three years from that day, the lion and I have lived in the same cave. The members of the wild beasts, a lion to me, he gave out, things which I, not having a supply of the fire, the sun dry it. But at length a cave and was apprehended by the soldiers, and the rest from Africa to Rome, he was brought to my lord, I am. Is sent me at once to the wild beasts. I realize, however, that the lion too, and after that was taken, and to me the favor to the work.
These things said he Androclus. To all those who ask, was let go, and the lion which he is endowed. Postae Androclus and the lion, loro bound, rounds of the shops they went. Androclus the money was derived, the lion, flowers. All of them said: This is the lion that was a man; He was a lion of a man.
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