INSANUM NEGOTIUM CHRYSALUS, UT OPINATUR, PERSEQUITUR, QUIA SENEM DECIPERE ITERUM UULT, CONSILIUM TAMEN SATIS AUDAX IN ANIMO EST. Mnēsilochī enim litteras senī dabit Chrysalus tum dominum saeuum esse uult, uni litteras accipiet, quia tum mores Mnesilochi malōs narrare poterit. Litteras in Manus senī tum dat seruus audax ubi ex aedibus egreditur. Senex litteras legit, deinde seruos uocat. Tum ubi domo egrediuntur, seruos Chrysalum uincire iubet, Chrysalum tacere. Senem autem irrider

Insanum negotium Chrysalus, ut opinatur, persequitur, quia senem decipere iterum vult. consilium tamen satis audax in animo est. Mnesilochi enim litteras seni dabit. Chrysalus tum dominum saevum esse vult, ubi litteras accipiet, quia tum mores Mnesilochi malos narrare poterit. literas in manus seni tum dat servus audax, ubi ex aedibus egreditur. senex litteras legit, deinde servos vocat. tum ubi domo egrediuntur, servos Chrysalum vincere iubet, Chrysalum tacere. senem autem irridet Chrysalus ac rerum nescium omnium stultumque vocat. tanti habet dominum, ut dicit, quanti fungum putidum. senex tam iratus fit quam vult servus. tum autem Chrysalus periculum Mnesilochi loquitur, senem in aedis intro inspicere Bacchidum iubet. progreditur senex ad aedis et intro inspicit. at convivium videt et rem malam atque tristem.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
IMMENSELY BUSINESS chrysalis, as you suppose, we are persecuted because old men to be deceived FOR THE SECOND TIME you wish, turn the counsel that was not enough the bold in the soul. Senior Mnesilochus letters will be savage Chrysalus the owner wishes to receive the letter, because the character Mnesilochi malōs tell you. Bold letters in the hands of the elders also gives the servant of the house where he goes. The old man read the letters, and then calls the slaves. Then, when the house out, for example Chrysalis uincire bids Chrysalis silent. The old man laughed at an unsound business Chrysalus that thinks hunt for an old man wants to cheat again. it is my intention, however, the plan is bold enough. Mnesilochi letters give the old man. Chrysalus the owner wants to be cruel, and will receive a letter, because it was bad manners Mnesilochi tell you. letters into the hands of an old servant and gives a bold, where the offices of the mouth. an old man, he read the letters, and then he calls his servants. When they go home, he bids to win his chrysalis, chrysalis silent. But the old man laughs Chrysalus and ignorance of all the silly calls. so great a lord, as he says, the value of an imbecile rotten ones. The old man was so angry that he becomes a slave. But then Chrysalus risk Mnesilochi speaks in an old house inside look Bacchidum bids. advances to the old building and inside looks. at the banquet, and he sees the bad and sad.

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