heu! Hodie nuptias filiae meae paro. Cuncta familia festinat. Huc et i Tradução - heu! Hodie nuptias filiae meae paro. Cuncta familia festinat. Huc et i Inglês como dizer

heu! Hodie nuptias filiae meae paro

heu! Hodie nuptias filiae meae paro. Cuncta familia festinat. Huc et illuc cursitant pueri et

puellae, ego coquos et tibicinas uoco. Nunc aedes plenae sunt coquorum et tibicinarum, et

cuncti coqui et tibicinae fures sunt. Heu! Homo perditus sum, immo, perditissimus

hominum. Nam aulam habeo auri plenam. Ecce! Aulam porto. ( Senex aulam monstrat.)

Nunc aulam sub ueste celo. Nam ualde timeo. (Cheira o ar). Aurum enim olet; et fures

aurum olfactant. Aurum autem non olet, si sub terra latet. Si aurum sub terra latet, nullum

coquum nullam tibicinam nullum furem timeo. Aulam igitur clam sub terra celo. Ecquis me

spectat? (Demaenetus circumspectat. Nemo adest. Demaenetus igitur neminem uidet.)

Bene. Solus sum. Sed prius ad Larem appropinquo et unguentum coronamque do, et

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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Alas! Today my daughter's wedding set. His whole family hurries. The child, and now and then ever since

the girl, I am a chef, and pipers call. Now the temple are full of cooks, and of pipers, and

all the cooks and players before me are thieves. Alas! I am really a man, or rather, wicked, may be

of men. In fact, I have a hall full of gold. Look! Hall ports. (Shown in the hall of the old man.)

Now, the dress of the court under the heaven. In fact, he was very afraid. (Cheiro o ar). Gold for smells; and thieves

gold olfactare. Gold, however, does not smell, if it is hidden under the earth. If the gold is hidden under the ground, there

was no cook thief tibicinam no fear. Heaven under the earth, therefore, in a secret court. -who Would

it look? (Demaenetus around. No one is here. Demaenetus then he frowned.)

Well. I am alone. On the crown of the anointing oil, and the first place to the household appropinquo do, and

sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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