Megadorus nuptias facere vult. Coquos igitur vocat multos ad aedes. Co Tradução - Megadorus nuptias facere vult. Coquos igitur vocat multos ad aedes. Co Inglês como dizer

Megadorus nuptias facere vult. Coqu

Megadorus nuptias facere vult. Coquos igitur vocat multos ad aedes. Coquorum opus est cenam coquere ingentem. Uxorum domum ducit Megadorus Phaedram, Euclionis filiam. Sed coqui Euclionem virum pauperem habent et tristem. Nam nil amittere vult. Follem enim ingentem, ubi dormire vult, in os imponit. Ita animam, dum dormit, non amittit. Apud tonsorem praesegmina, quod nihil vult amittere, colligit omnia et domum ducit. Aquam dare non vult. Ignem dare, quod amittere timet, non vult. Vir tristis est. Coqui igitur in aedes inire Megadori, viri divitis et facilis, volunt. Periculum autem in aedibus Megadori multum est, vasa argentea ingentia, vestes multae, multum aurum. Si quid servi amittunt, coquos fures putant (consideram) et comprehendere volunt. Apud Euclionem autem coqui salvi sunt. Vasa argentea ex aedibus auferre Euclionis facile non est, quod vasa nulla habet!

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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
Megadorus marriage he wants to do. Calls, therefore, many people came to the house to cook. It is necessary to cook the supper of the great cooks. Megadorus house wives leads Phaedra Euclionis daughter. But the husband of the poor who have to cook Euclionis and melancholy. In fact, he wants nothing to lose. Follia for a size, where to sleep, he will, in the mouth of the thurible. In this way the soul, while he sleeps, it does not lose its freedom. Praesegmina at the barber, that you will not want to lose, and the house of the sum of all leads. He will not give me water. Fire I have to give something to lose fears, does not want to. The man is sad. Coqui, therefore, in the palaces of Megadorus to enter into, the men of the rich man and it is easy, as they would. The danger of a Megadorus for it is in the house, jewels of silver, the cave, apparel, in great, a lot of gold. If you lose servants, cooks thieves think (consider) the desire to comprehend. In Euclioni the cooks are saved. Silver jewelry away from home is not easy Euclionis, which has no weapons!

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